Projeto ZK - Informática & Educação

Série: Teses & Artigos


Energy Monitoring Systems

A project submitted in partial fulfilment requirements  for a B.Eng in Industrial & Robotic Systems - Limerick Institute of Technology


The project will utilize data loggers to acquire data from an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) located in a house, then the data will be analysed by a programming designed to the software Matlab, which will show to the researcher the coefficient of performance and also the power utilized by the ASHP. The program will also return to the user the relatives graphs to each data acquired. In the end, all the results will be discussed to conclude if the ASHP it is a good way to heat water on a house and why monitoring systems is an excellent subject to study in nowadays.

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Título: Energy Monitoring Systems

Autor: Eduardo Leite Simões e Silva

Extensão: PDF

Tamanho: 1,0 Mb


Creative Commons License
Projeto ZK - Informática & Educação by José Eduardo Ferreira da Silva is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Vedada a Criação de Obras Derivadas 3.0 Brasil License.
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